
625 Selene Mine Road, Monto QLD 4630

217.50 ha


625 Selene Mine Road, Monto QLD 4630

217.50 ha

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Cream Of The Crop

The blue chip of the Monto district, this superb brigalow scrub property is renowned for its performance. Total area of 537 acres of flat to gently rolling country. There is currently 40 acres under dryland cultivation with the balance grassed and ready to fatten cattle.

Freehold over 2 titles
Fenced into 10 paddocks with timber posts and 4 barb in mostly good condition
Well watered with 5 dams
Rich black soil
Grass types include Buffel, green panic and creeping blue grass
Power available

If you're looking to add kilo's to your cattle this block is sure to impress. Contact Louisa Bambling today to arrange a private inspection.


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